Monday, 26 September 2011

Week 17 Rest of week

After successful long run, last big one of training, rest of week was mostly rest.
Day 3 Slow football, not a great game.

Day 4 8.5 mile run with Mrs FRC along the sea front.

Day 6 Met up with another RW forum member to do the 13 miles of Wirral side.. unfortunately he pulled up injured around 8-9 miles.
On the other hand, I still had a hard boxing circuit to go to.. Scott put on a great class.. circuit for 40-45 minutes, lots of hard  things including a really good one, on your back with slippy matt underneath, pulling yourself across the room via rope attached across the other side of the room. Cool!
Then 30 minutes pads work , jogging, jabs, and all sorts.. Really good class.

Mileage and training going really well,... stand a very good chance of getting to 1000 miles now sometime during the marathon I think. WOW. Awesome thought - 24-25 miles in hitting that number since Jan 1st. Massive achievement for me, in previous years, I might do 8-10 miles a week if bothered.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Week 17 Day 2 Longest Run Ever

okay, day 1 was really a rest day, 45 minute body conditioning class was only 30 minutes due to trainee instructors not knowing enough, hardly got a sweat on, kit didn't even need washing, just airing.

Had booked the next day off for long run since unable to fit it in Saturday, had a bit of a lie in instead of original plan of going out for 9.30am start as on the day.

Main thing was to get my longest training run in, roughly aiming for 22-23 miles., wearing preferred kit, using same gel bloks, and no music as on the day.

Things went very well, made a few changes to my route so hills at 11 and 14 miles as at the marathon to make it a little harder, instead of stopping around 22 miles added an extra loop near home so ended up doing 23 miles in 3hr 19minutes.
Perfect timing, sub 9 minute miles all the way apart from one hard hilly section where I fell over here and grazed my knee & hand, banged my wrist too with the hard plastic strap of my garmin watch. Not too bad though.. But times were good, nicely in the range of 8m20-8m50s which is great with the hills and resistance along the way, leaves me in a great place for Oct 9th.. Sub 4hrs is definitely on, just a matter of how much under I can go.

Run details here

Monday, 19 September 2011

Week 16 summary

Good week to rest a little after 45+ miles last week. Little bit less planned due to other half doing her first half marathon so worked around that. A little bit of week 16 will run into Week 17 to get my last big long run in before starting to taper off training. Phew. much needed.

Day 1 Horse riding + 5miles + body conditioning class.
Found that horse riding (trotting especially) really stretches out the hamstrings and calf muscles.. really helps me after a hard week so will carry this on. Some jogging around the riding to get there, and then back home to change for the gym and a favourite class.

Day 2 Running .. 11 miles hard, lots of hills, around birkenhead park, down to the docks.
Even made it down the witches steps at Bidston Hill.. whoo... very scary. Old steps going very steep down. supposedly used for covens etc, leading into a very overgrown forest. Actually a really good trail run and lots of fun.

My Race pack received finally. Number is 3908 I think (photo to follow), in the blue pen, 4-5 hours. Bo. I can go under 4hrs though but can't get into that pack at the start, can probably catch them up.

Day 3 Football at lunch, good game with lots of sprinting, no night time running.

Day 4 7.5 mile run early Friday morning. Managed to sort my garmin watch out also... too many runs logged and had used up the memory. Reset back to factory defaults and all fine now.

Day 5 6.5 mile run... a little tired + last workshop from Liverpool Marathon.
.. lots of good info about how to run the best race time wise (whether to do steady pace or negative split), final tips for diet and carb loading, and also how to run this mentally, getting into the zone and "flowing". .all very thought provoking... how do you get yourself in the perfect place, what do you think about at your best? Some people said nothing, some people said euphoria, I said tunnel vision/ looking at the person and things ahead - so concentrating on the task. Told I'm competitive. This I knew.

Nothing planned for sunday, with Mrs FRC doing the Warrington Half Marathon.Yay! Go! Mrs FRC.

Last 20miler long run planned for Wednesday, taking the day off at the moment.
Then I can rest a little, will 20-30% less each week till Oct 9th.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Week 15 day 3-7 and good news

Tough last few weeks, now recovered.. and a nice end to the week. 2 stone officially lost since November, lots of running, lots of hard effort but great result.

Thu Day 3 
Usual game of 5 a side football at lunchtime, reasonably okay. After previous day's hard run (see below), not 100% but not awful.
Evening, recovery run with Mrs FRC, 8.5m, comfortable easy pace. After feeling a bit sore in the legs, they actually now feel pretty good. Things seem to be recovering. A few aches but nothing major.

Sat Day 5
Rest day Friday... arranged Saturday to meet Judderman off rw forums to run the Wirral side of the marathon route. Garmin running watch playing up a little, so not 100% after the wet run Wednesday.. but usable.
Anyway, great meeting up, ended up doing 17 miles, 1 on way to meet, 13m together and then another 2.5miles  on way back to the gym. Nice breakfast & recovery afterwards in West Kirby at Cha Bar. Legs still feeling good.

Sun Day 6
A lie in.. rested legs so no heavy running this day. Even had the luxury of 9 hours in bed. Very slow jog to gym, then hard 1hr boxing circuit and jog back (3 miles total). Ended week with the nice news at the top, 2 stone lost, so in great shape for the marathon.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Week 15 day 1&2

Week 15
Tuesday Day 1
Still feel a bit out of it, managed 4.5 miles through the park & forest , but didn't feel right. Not comfortable and heart rate high. Finished off with a gym class body conditioning always pretty good mix.

Wednesday Day 2
After previous day and week with no run greater than 10 miles needed to snap out of a bit of a dip so forced myself to go out. Not easy.

Got a few aches and pains from last 2-3 weeks mileage, lower left hip is sore at times.. (piriformis is tight chiropractor said) but felt I had to get out and did 13-14 tough miles up the hills to heswall and back through arrowe park... , with aforementioned hip, hamstrings and calfs having a few twinges made sure to do various stretches every 20-30 minutes.

Opened the front door about 6.45pm to a bit of drizzle, then later on rain, pretty much for the entire 2 hours +. had my jacket and even running tights on. With the rain coming down, did get a bit wibbly. light going, rain coming down, cars whizzing past. After feeling great at the 20 mile bug run (only 10 days ago?), this felt anything but that.

Anyway, some music on, all on random.. this is what came up in a 15 minute period when at most wibbly part.

Sam Phillips - When You're Down.. (bit obscure but a great song)... key thing was the lyrics..

"I dont want to want so much but my dreams drag me on
pushing through rock clusters where I am, once again I close my eyes to see
when you're down, when you're down, you find out whats down there"

Led Zeppelin - Zashmir came on next.. just as hitting the second hills to Heswall, perked me up..
 and in middle of Heswall after the hills, Bruce Springsteen - Tougher Than the Rest (crud song, but chorus worked for me).
How weird is that for random. Damp but not defeated.

Fate or whatever you call it.. nothing is going to stop me from being there at start on October 9th !

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Week 14 summary

okay, previous week took it out of me.

20 mile training run at almost marathon pace... plus 30 miles of other running. - result I'm pretty tired.A few aches and pains, just below knee sore (tibia?), hamstrings and calfs sore.. and hip still sore.

Last few days leave to take around the August bank holiday so some R&R planned, in my own style of course.

Tuesday Day 1
Horse riding 2 hrs - walked there, rather than ran to save legs.
Gym Class body conditioning 45 minutes + jog

Wednesday Day 2
Swimming 1hr/  Sports Massage later on (ouch!)
Running 5 miles through country park/ Gym Class 1hr core/ weights

Thursday Day 3 Football
Friday Day 4 Run - cut short 12-14 miles planned at 2 miles in... pain in my left quad.. stopped and did stretches and able to carry on and do 8 miles slowly.

Sunday Day 5 Medium length run 9 miles with some hills, plus boxing circuit class 1hr.

Definitely some issues building up so took this week lighter after previous week of 55 miles. Only managed 23-25 and some sore muscles. Gill worked on my quads (thighs), hamstrings and calves so trying to give these some rest.
Originally I planned to do a half marathon in September and maybe other races, but knocked these on the head.. road running is hard on knees and hips so leaving this mostly to just the Liverpool marathon in October.