Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Week 1 day 1 long run

okay, 16 weeks approx to go so training really starts here.
had a decent bowl of pasta at lunch, aimed to do 11 miles.
11 miles in under 1hr 30 so pretty good apart from my headphones breaking after 45 mins.
All fine till the gym class body workout after, legs tired at the end and really out on my feet.
Need jaffa cakes...:)

Why am I doing this?

Getting a little older, decided to get fitter late last year.. so got back into running more and stuck a few more gym weights classes in to stretch myself that tiny bit further.

When possible two weights/ resistance classes per week, and a circuit class, plus 15-20 miles running and other bits.

Have really seen the benefits.

Lost a stone and almost did a PB in my half marathon in March, 12 seconds off from 5 years previously.

So now to do something harder... entered for a marathon, roughly 16 weeks to go, training started this week.

This will be raising funds for Kevin Jones, a colleague at LJMU.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Injury & Chiropractor

My twisted ankle/ achilles is nearly healed, still sore & tired at times so needs regular icing (?)

I'd already booked it but since I was unable to run for 2-3 weeks at beginning of May, I took time to go to a chiropractor. Gill Dabek my physio had recommended I do this for ages.

Within 1 minute, the chiropractor was able to pinpoint the problem - my left leg was 1.5 cm shorter than my right, stretching everything out, and causing my tendonitis for the last 2 years.

My left hip had rolled up, no idea why.. any way this caused the tendonitis tightening all the leg muscles.

So hopefully this will start to clear soon. Rebecca Howell  is at http://www.liverpoolchiropracticcare.co.uk/

With my twisted left ankle putting extra weight on my right leg and the change from the chiropractic work, both calves & hamstrings have been tight especially on the right side.

3-4 sessions sports massage on the ankle with Gill, and rest of my legs.. problems are finally clearing. Phew!
Gill is at http://www.outreachphysio.co.uk/

Was really panicing that I had torn or ripped something but thankfully not, though it was painful.

Marathon is still on and I can start training soon.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Twisted / strained my ankle early May and wasn't able to run at all from 5th to 19th.

Managed light things during the time I couldn't run and some very light slow runs after the 19th as foot recovered properly, but nothing too big mileage wise... the odd 6 or 8 mile but very slow speed, lots of stops and stretches - with 10-15 minutes of icing at the end and then a hot bath.

Physio booked once a week during May to assist with this... calves & hamstrings both sore with the strain of the injury and maybe also the chiroprator work.

Really showed why you have to do stretches though!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Injured ;)

Injured whilst playing football match on grass stretching for a ball, skiddy pitch with the wrong boots on.
Felt something give in my achilles, really hope I haven't ripped or torn something.

Can't run at all, can barely walk.  Really getting me down.

Was able to walk 4-5 miles at weekend so I don't think its more than a really bad sprain but scary.

Have managed one spin class and one pump fx class in a week... about a quarter of what I'd normally do.

Spin fine, but pump really sore on lunges.

Awaiting physio as we speak.