Tuesday 19 July 2011

Week 7 day 6 end of week

Day 6
Still recovering from 18 miles run yesterday, probably didn't drink enough fluids or refuel as much as actually needed.

Circuit class excellent as always but definitely slower and not 90-100% energy on certain stations. Right shoulder also a bit sore on things like a chest press, plank and army crawl.

Replenishment definitely something to work on, that extra sports drink, litre of water, toast, poached egg perhaps within 1-2 hours of long run. I'm borderline hypoglaecmic so also need to top up carefully.

Day 7
Booked in for a swedish massage, tired and a bit sore still on hips and now right shoulder.

Didn't fall asleep but very relaxing.

Still managed 37 miles running this week, mostly the long run Saturday and the medium fast one - nearly 30 miles combined..

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