Wednesday 8 June 2011

Week 2 day 2 - Hill runs

okay, need to start getting faster on my 5k & 10k times before I start adding mileage so aiming to do some hard hill running tonight.

I hate hills but has to be done.

My wife wants to come with me so just doing time based hills so I'm not too far ahead.

Bootcamp at the gym 6pm to warm up... (man, and Mike really warmed us up, sweat dripping off me)..
Then jogged, and onto 2.5 miles of hills with bits after.

60 seconds (approx 200m for me) 5, 30 seconds rest, then jogged along to a steeper hill to do similar timing but more intervals.

There is approx 1 mile uphill in the marathon through the Mersey Tunnel so will be bringing this upto 400m, then 800 then 1600.

Finished with nice jog through the woods (no particular pace) to cool down, then a well earned meal.

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