Monday 20 June 2011

Week 3 end summary

End of Week 3 Summary so Far

Okay 3 weeks completed, and going really well. Not tired as I was in week 1 and feel really strong.

Since May 31st 103 miles run in 3 weeks, 30+ miles a week.
Since Jan 1st 460 miles (~20 miles a week) but pace accelerating now.

Will hit 500 miles in next 10 days - assuming no injuries of course, fingers crossed.

On top of the running, various gym classes (body conditioning / boot camp / boxing circuit), football, horse riding make a total of roughly 20,000 calories including the running, approx 25 hours of exercise. Phew!

A few pounds lost but enough room for a treat or two to be burned off and a few bowls of pasta before long runs.

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