Monday 27 June 2011

Week 4 day 7 Rest Day & Chiropractor Session

A rest day so nothing planned exercise wise after 2 hard days.

Did have a session at the chiropractors booked though.

Have had 4-5 sessions with Rebecca from Liverpool Chiropractic Care in Crosby since early May.

Within 2 minutes of my first visit, Rebecca was able to diagnose the reason for the long term tendonitis in my heel - my left left was shorter than my right by approx 1.5cm due to the left hip having rolled up slightly.
Since then she has worked on my hip, manipulating it a bit, plus some light  massage on my heel, hamstrings and calf as they adjusted. Not complicated or painful.

I've sorted out a few things in my environment like my office chair and exercising my achilles with stretches on stairs or using a tennis ball (which I did already when I remembered). Lots of iceing on my ankle anyway since it injured till about May 20th.

I do loads of stretches now whilst out running too. Every 3-4 miles on a long run.

2 weeks ago my heel was out by only 2-3 mm - yesterday she found that everything had balanced up and there was no discrepancy.

So very soon, hopefully the problems will clear completely.

Anyone with an annoying  long term injury sports or otherwise, that odd niggle that won't clear and unsure why, I'd recommend trying a chiropractor. Physio helps improve things a lot for some time but doesn't solve the underlying problem always.
I'm still going to need lots of physio/ massage anyway over the next 3 months and beyond.

There is always London, New York etc

Anyway end of week 4 of training , managed to stick to doing 30 miles or more again and in best shape overall I have been for ages, maybe ever.

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